... I am working surprisingly well on my PhD today. Not even in terms of getting loads done, but in terms of enthusiasm. and yes, i am getting SOMETHING done. and somehow, I am less sleepy and useless than I have recently been. maybe it's to do with the iron-and-vitamin-B supplement i went out and finally bought. maybe it's the bunch of wild flowers on my desk, which I have lovingly dropped into a vase, and which are intoxicating me with their gorgeous scent (May is the best month; it has the best flowers, they grow like weeds in country lanes and on building sites, all ready for the picking). maybe it's the poached egg and spinach combo I had for breakfast. maybe it's the coffee. whatever it is, I must do it again. maybe I should keep these conditions exactly the same for tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after (wear the same clothes; have the same flowers on the desk; have the same breakfast; nobody touch anything, nobody move anything...)
The spell might break at any moment, so I am going to go back and work now, and do my next half-hour...
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